
Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!


Mit be können wir grundlegende Aussagen über uns machen.

be + Zahl... Alter. I am 25. She is 52.
be + Adjektiv ... Gefühl. I am cold. I am hungry. I am hot.
be + Namen .. Namen. I am John. She is Linda.

Die Formen von be in der Gegenwart

I am..
you are...
he/she/it is..

We/you/they are...

Für eine Verneinung hängen wir ein "not" an.

I am not..
you are not..
He/she/it is not..

We/you/they are not...
Um eine Frage zu stellen tauschen Subjekt und die Verbform die Position.

Am I...?
Are you...?
Is he..?
Are we/you/they..?

Aussagen, Verneinungen und Fragen von be in der Vergangenheit können wir in derselben Weise machen. Wir verändern lediglich die Form von be..

I was..
you were..
he/she/it was...

we/you/they were...
1. Tom 25 years old.
2. Linda and John from Italy.
3. I cold und hungry.
4. They from America.
5. No. Charley the king.
6. No. We are . We are young.
7. she from India?
8. you from Cologne?
9. No. Tom and Ross in Hamburg today. They are in Berlin.
10. No. I old. I am only hungry.