Past Perfect

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!

Past Perfect

Was Present Perfect für die Gegenwart ist Past Perfect für die Vergangenheit.

Von der Zeit vor der Vergangenheit bis zur Vergangenheit. Für Handlungen, die vor einem Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit stattgefunden haben.

Bildung: had + 3. Verbform

Nachdem ich Opa besucht hatte, fuhr ich zur Arbeit. After I had visited grandpa I went to work.
Vor der Party hatte sie Brot gebacken. Before the party started she had baked a bread.

Im Deutschen werden in dieser Zeit Bewegungsverben mit "sein" verbunden. Andere Verben mit haben.

Ich war gelaufen. Ich war geschwommen. Auf Englisch werden alle Verben mit "have" gebildet.

I had run. I had escaped. I had seen.

Auf "after" folgt gerne Past Perfect.

Frage: Had you...? Verneinung: I had not...
1. When I came home I saw that the cat all the curtains. (tear)
2. After we football we all were thirsty. (play)
3. Before I came to Israel I 2 years in Turkey.
4. My grandparents married for 50 years before they both died in 2004. (be)
5. After she his letter she was very sad. (read)
6. Before he went on a trip to New Mexico he his American friend.
7. Had to Israel before she came to Brümsel? (go)
8. No, I had before I met you. (meet)
9. She threw the moldy bread she the day before. (buy)
10. When I came home I saw that the dog the big mirror. (break)