Indirekte Rede

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!

Indirekte Rede

Wenn wir berichten, was jemand gesagt hat, nutzen wir dazu normalerweise die "indirekte Rede".

"Er sagte, dass er nicht zu deiner Feier kommen konnte."
"He said (that) he could not come to your party."

Dabei verändern sich die Zeitformen, die Pronomen und Zeitangaben.

Aus Present wird Past. Aus Past, Present Perfect wird Past Perfect, will wird zu would. Past Perfect bleibt unverändert.

Pronomen und Zeitangaben verändern sich "nach Logik", also wie es die Situation erfordert.

Yesterday - the day before, tomorrow - the day after/the following day

(1) Nach dem Einleitungssatz leitet "that" (dass) bei Aussagen den Wiedergabeteil ein.
(2) Bei Fragen ist dieses "if/whether" (ob) bzw. ein Fragewort.
(3) Bitten und Befehle werden mit "to" eingeleitet.

(1) He told me that he liked pizza.
(2) He asked me if I liked pizza. He asked me which pizza I liked.
(3) He asked me to order a pizza.

1. He said to me," I like chips." He told me that he chips.
2. He said to me , "I do not like Mondays." He told me that he Mondays.
3. I said to her, "I like your t-shirt." I told her that I liked t-shirt.
4. The teacher said to us, "you were late." The teacher said to us that we late.
5. John said, "I have not seen Tom since yesterday." John said that he had not seen Tom since .
6. She told me, "I will help you with your exam." She told me that she me with exam.
7. She asked me, "when will you come to the party?" She asked me if I to the party.
8. They told us,"be there at three!" They told us to there at three.
9. They told us, "describe the picture." The told us to the picture.
10. She said, "I will meet you tomorrow." She told me that she me the following day.